
With past experience and new knowledge we have grown to accept safety as a prime part of our work. Through implementation of an active safety plan we have successfully worked over 500,000 hours with no major injuries. Our current (2020) Labor & Industries experience factor is .600.

A major portion of our work is done in facilities that are occupied so safety is always important to us AND for our customers benefit. Attached are forms that we have developed to facilitate a safe work environment for all of those on site.

Employee Manuals

Infectious Control

Methods and procedures for infectious control in medical environments

Arc Fault Protection

Sample Method of Procedure (MOP)

When doing complicated projects A MOP (Method of Procedure) is written out, reviewed, revised and finalized with KBE and the owners rep. On the day of work all involved parties review it and then FOLLOW it. Prior Planning Prevents Poor Procedure AND Accidents.

Safety Forms

Having a common form to gather then share information is helpful in have a successful project. These examples are for outages.